Thursday, May 31, 2012

The Last Exam

So the very last exam in nursing school was crazy!

My class would insist on the teacher telling us exactly what would be on the exam, like what chapters, how many questions, what type of questions, etc.

The teacher told us the exam would be 20 questions.  15 questions from the last several chapters we went over and 5 questions from the movie we watched the week before the final.

We all opened the exam on Blackboard, and there were 35 questions!

35 questions is 15 more than expected.

15 more.

One girl called the teacher out on it.

Girl: There are 35 questions on this test!?
Teacher: Yes, yes, there is.

Every single exam question since I've been in nursing school is multiple choice, multiple answer, or rarely a fill in the blank question.

Never an essay question.

This exam had 5 essay questions.  5.

You know when the last time I answered an essay question?  Me either.  I guess maybe back at the community college.  Like 3 years ago.

It was crazy.

"Be not deceived: evil communications corrupt good manners." 1 Corinthians 15:33

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

All I Wanted Was My Picture Taken

That's it.  Simple.

No.  Nothing is ever simple.

Imagine this room:

This is called the "Grad Bash."  Sounds like a party doesn't it.  It wasn't.

I walk into the room, I see the photographer to the right of the room, pictured in the green.  I go up to him and tell him I want my photo taken.

Photographer: Ok! Just go over here to my right and get your gown and I'll take your picture.
Me: Ok, thanks.

I walk over to the graduation gowns table and try a talk to the ladies at the table to request my gown.
Lady: Eh, no. You have to go through all the other tables before I can give you your gown.

Deep breath.  Okay.  Just play the game.  I know that I have only have a limited amount of time before I have to go to Pittsburgh later that afternoon, but I'll play along.

I got to the first table on the left.

Me: What do I have to do to get my picture taken?
First Table Lady: It's easy.  Take this card and go around to each table and have them fill it out as you walk around to do everything you need to do at each table.  At the end, after everyone fills out your card, drop it in the box and you will be entered for a prize.
Me: Ok, fine.
First Table Lady: What's your student ID number?
Me: 0987654.
First Table Lady: Is this how you want your name on your diploma?
Me: Yes, I filled that out like two weeks ago.
First Table Lady: Okay. *checks my card*

Off to the next table I go.

Man At The Second Table: *blank stare*
Me: Hey.
Man At The Second Table: Oh, did you fill out the graduation survey?
Me: Yes, like 3 weeks ago.
Man At The Second Table: *checks my card*

To the third table.

Women At The Third Table: Student ID number please.
Me: 0987654.
Women At The Third Table: You do not have any outstanding charges on your account right now.  Unless you get a parking ticket, or a library fine, or Wellness Center fees, you are good to graduate.
Me: Uh, ok. Cool.
Women At The Third Table: *checks my card*

To the next table I go.  But let me preface this next table with something.  This table was the Alumni Association table.  They wanted everyone to sign up on their website to keep in contact with the school.  Seems perfectly reasonable to me.  Except for the fact that the women in charge of the Alumni Association came to our class on Monday and was rude.

And when I say rude, I mean I wanted to go all Stephanie Tanner status on her, How Rude!  In class she was just ugly to one of my friends, and then she asked everyone to raise their hands if they used Twitter, which I do, and she the proceeded to make fun of Twitter.  So this is how the conversation at the went.

Rude Alumni Association Director: Just sit down here and fill out the information online and you will be signed up for the Alumni Association.
Me: Do I have to?
Rude Alumni Association Director: You do if you want me to check off on your card for the prize.
Me: Fine. What do I have to do?
Rude Alumni Association Director: Sit here and type your name in this box.
Me: But I don't know if I want to be apart of the Alumni Association.  You want to much information.
Rude Alumni Association Director: *blank stare*
Me: Fine. *types name* My name is in here twice. (Of course it is)
Rude Alumni Association Director: Oh, well, it's probably the first one then.
Me: *clicks on the first one, fills out the copious amount of needed information* All done.
Rude Alumni Association Director: Good. *checks my card*

Next table.  They are asking for money.  Yeah, at this Grad Bash, they are asking for money.

At the next table I have to harass the poor lady selling class rings and graduation announcements to get her to check off my card because I've already bought my class ring and announcements, but I need her to check off my card.  I didn't realize until later I could have just checked off my card myself without going to all the tables...

Finally, I'm to the graduation gown table.

Me: Hi.
Gown Lady: Hey.  What's your name.
Me: Katie Bestnurseever
Gown Lady: Ok. *looks though some boxes* Your gown isn't here.
Me: What?!
Gown Lady: Let me call downstairs.
Me: Okay.

Phone call.

Gown Lady: Your gown is downstairs.
Me: Okay.
Gown Lady: I'm going to go get it.
Me: Can you get my friend's gown too while you are down there?
Gown Lady: Sure!!

She goes downstairs giving me enough time to sign my name really big on the banner that was in the middle of the room.  Katie, BSN.  The line for the gowns in backing up with about 7 people behind me.  She comes back.

Gown Lady: I'm sorry, I don't have your gown.
Me: What!?!?!?!!!!?????!?!?!  All I wanted was my picture taken!!
Gown Lady: It's okay, I got another gown for you to wear.

I get my picture taken.  Very nice pictures if I do say so myself.

Then I go back to apologize to the Gown Lady.

Me: Thank you for your help.

It took me almost an hour to get my picture taken.  Next time I graduate with my bachelor's degree, and have to go to the Grad Bash to get my picture taken, I won't be annoyed with everyone.

I want to know who won the prize.

"And be ye kind to one another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, even as God for Christ's sake hath forgiven you." Ephesians 4:32

For Real

It just hit me: I have my bachelor's degree.  My very own bachelor's degree.

I could stop doing anything worthwhile with my life, and people would say: Well, at least she finished her bachelor's degree.

Okay, well, maybe not, but still.

Now all I have to do is get my nursing license.

Someone this weekend asked me if they could come to me for advice, I answered they could come to me if they needed CPR.

"For my mouth shall speak the truth." Proverbs 8:7

Thursday, May 17, 2012

Five Days Out

Now that I am 5 days out from graduation, I'm almost caught up on sleep, I am sort of feeling like a graduate, and I'm kind of ready to take the NCLEX and get a job.

Right now I'm just hanging out with my family, and going to museums and parks.

If anyone wants to do that with me, hit me up.

It's been a bit of a challenge to stay in peace though.  Whether I'm worried about where I'm going to be living, the NCLEX, the job I'm going to have, I just have to keep reminding myself that God is in control.

"Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on thee: because he trusteth in thee." Isaiah 26:3

Saturday, May 12, 2012

Countdown To Pinning In Hours!

I'm so overwhelmed with excitement right now that I can't sleep.  So what do I do?  Blog.  Duh.

I cannot believe that it is May 12th, 2012.  It seems so unreal.

I've been actively working on getting my nursing degree for 4 years and going to college for  5 years now.  It feels like a long time, but it really isn't in the grand scheme of things.

My family came up today so they wouldn't have to drive the hour and a half to get here at 0830 in the morning. I'm glad because they bought me dinner... And they are fun to hangout with!

I'm so filled with emotion I'm not really sure what to do with it.

This morning all I felt like doing was crying.  For oh so many reasons, but I think it was just a way to let some emotion out quickly.

I'm ready.  Finally.  Yesterday, I wasn't ready to graduate.

I'm done with the tests, the papers, the deadlines, and the library.  I'm excited for the future and ready for a real big girl job.

"I press toward the mark for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus." Philippians 3:14

"I have fought the good fight, I have finished my course, I have kept the faith." 2 Timothy 4:7

PS 8.5 hours to go until Pinning begins!