There was this one time, I was in the library at University, and I was printing off Power Points and Syllabi and Outlines for class.
I wanted to use the 3-hole-punch. I went to the front desk and asked if I could use it at the computer where I was sitting near the printer.
The lady at the desk said: Oh, sure. No problem.
Me: Thank you.
I walk back to the computer and punch holes in my stuff, and print more stuff. And punch holes. Print. You know how it is. 5 classes means 5 syllabi, 5 outlines, and at least 5 Power Points.
Then this other librarian lady starts walking around in a panic.
Librarian Lady: *shouting* Where's the 3-hole-punch!? Where's the 3-hole-punch!?! Where's the 3-hole-punch?1?
Me: Uhh, here.
LL: *shouting* You can't hog the 3-hole-punch!
Me: *blank stare*
"Give to him that asketh thee, and from him that would borrow of thee turn not thou away." Matthew 5:42
You really gotta watch out for those librarians...