Sometimes I feel like I'm on an assembly line.
"What does that mean, Katie?" you ask.
I'm not sure, but this is what I am trying to say. I guess sometimes school feels like an assembly line. And I don't mean having to wait in a line to get a PPD done or something like that, but knowledge wise I mean. Don't lose me here, okay?
I feel like I go though all these classes, and different teachers are adding knowledge and wisdom to me, but I feel like I just keep moving. It's kind of like that I Love Lucy episode where she is packaging chocolates. You know where she and Ethel had to wrap chocolates, and at first it was slow and they could do it easy, and then the lady started to make the belt go faster and faster, and they just couldn't keep up with it. Relating that to me, I feel like before nursing school the belt was going slow and I could do it, but now, the belt just keeps getting faster and faster and faster. And there are more things I need to know and to do. But not in a bad way. I don't know, just saying.
Another thing I was thinking was how I am apart of someone's vision for a nursing school. Some old lady somewhere was thinking about how the world needed more nurses and how she would teach them, and now here I am, in her nursing school, becoming a nurse. It's interesting to think about it.
It also makes me think about how God prepares us for His service in His vision. He makes sure we are ready by giving us different trials and lessons before he send us out into His plan. But I can't forget that the time right now is His plan too.
"My brethren, count it all joy when ye fall into divers temptations; Knowing this, that the trying of your faith worketh patience. But let patience have her perfect work, that ye may be perfect and entire, wanting nothing." James 1:2-4
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