Wednesday, November 16, 2011

There Was This One Time

I have to write a journal for my class about an incident that happened while I was in clinical.

The other day I was thinking about having to do this journal and had a bunch of stories.  But now that I am sitting down to do it, I can't think of any good ones.

Well, I can think of stories, but then I have to identify a leadership concept and say how I would handle this situation differently next time.

I thought about writing about one of the first times I ever had a clinical.  We were in the hospital and my patient was getting physical therapy.  The physical therapist and her assistant came in the room and got gloves.  Except one of them dropped their gloves on the floor and picked the gloves up and put them on, and did the PT with the patient.  I was horrified.  The floor is dirty and nasty.  Nothing that touches the floor should ever be used to help a patient.  I didn't know what to say to the physical therapist.  So I just stood there, mouth gaping open.  Now if I saw someone drop gloves on the floor, I would say, "hey let me have those dirty gloves, and I'll get you a new pair."  In a nice voice.  This is a patient safety issue by the way.

But I've already told that story a bunch of times.  So I don't want to write about that.

So I have to think up another story.  I must have many, because I come home from clinical and think about how incompetent people are, or I think "when I'm a nurse I'm not going to...".  So here's to brainstorming.

"Who shall ascend into the hill of the Lord? or who shall stand in his holy place? He that hath clean hands, and a pure heart; who hath not lifted up his soul unto vanity, nor sworn deceitfully. He shall receive the blessing from the Lord, and righteousness from the God of his salvation." Psalm 24:3-5

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