Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Today Was A Fairytale

I had my first OB clinical today!  I was a little nervous because of the rumors I heard, but it was good.

I left my apartment at 0555.  Yes, five minutes to 6 in the morning.  And if you know me, I am not a morning person.  This is a super stretch for me.  No complaining though, it's good for getting stuff done for the day.

Clinical starts at 0630.  I got to the hospital and to the place we were to meet up at like 0615.  I was early.  Yay.  I like to be early so I don't have to run up the stairs or down the hall like a crazy.  I'm talking to the other girls, I'm reading though the day's assignments, and I realize...

I forgot my name tag!!!  And it was like 0627.  (And a girl tells me I left the interior light on in my car.)

I had to run back to the car.  And we are not talking a short little walk.  No this is going to be a run.

I push the elevator button.  It's a gosh slow elevator.  I look for the stairs to run down the 4 flights.  No where in sight.  The elevator opens. "Please, go straight to the main level without stopping," I pray.  It does.

And I'm off.  Down the hall.  Around the corner.

And who do I spot?  My fave clinical instructor from last semester.  I smile and continue my walk/run as I huff and puff down the hall, trying to say something about forgetting my name tag.

I get the name tag, and I'm back down the stairs in the parking garage, up the hall, around the corner, up the elevator, and I meet the OB teacher just as she makes it out to find me.

Take a deep breath.  Relax.  It's really gonna be okay.  At least she didn't send me home, like I've heard other teachers do.

I walk in to the room where the other students are washing their hands up to their elbows, and I'm last in line, obviously, because I was late.

Then a nurse come in and asks one of us to follow her, and she pulls on me, so I follow.  But my teacher says, "Wait, she hasn't washed her hands yet!!!"

Nurse:  "I don't care, I won't let her touch anything."

Chit chat happens, and she opens this door I'm expecting to be a closet, but it's not.

There is a lady in there seconds away from giving birth.  A crowing baby head and all.

I didn't get to get up close to the mom because I hadn't washed my hands yet. But I could see that they did an episiotomy, which I had never seen before (it looked like it hurt, or would hurt if she hadn't had an epidural) and then the baby was with the nurse that took me away with her.   She assessed the baby (which took a while) and then we left.

Off to the nursery I went.  That is where I was assigned today.  We played with a baby for a while.  Then we read our notes because there wasn't much to do.  Then the other girl went to watch a c-section.

Next, a nurse brought in a baby boy and I watched a circumcision.  I'm not sure what I think about that.

Then the c-sectioned baby was back and we did an assessment on him.  And I got to give a Vitamin K injection to the baby, and help hold the babies eyes open while the other girl squirted antibiotic ointment in them.

Eventually we bathed him, and then we were done.

Then it was 1130.

I forced my friend into eating Arby's with me.

Then back to school for a meeting with the SNA and the Red Cross, 1500 to about 1600ish.

Ran over to the writing center at like 1630 even though my appointment to meet with them was at 1800, but she let me in and I got my extra credit for going to the writing center with my paper.

Then I studied Med/Surg II with someone until 1800.

And now I am here, waiting for KWoww to finish a lovely dinner.

"Redeeming the time, because the days are evil." Ephesians 5:16


  1. I LOVE this Katie!! The Lord knew exactly what He was doing this morning. May you continue to find favor with God and man.

  2. Katie, this is so cool!
