Monday, November 1, 2010

Comcast can't do anything right

We had this whole fiasco last month, that I outlined in a blog last month called Comcast is of the Devil.

So today, I got what I thought was this month's Comcast bill.  It was $197 and change.  Basically $100 more than it should be.

No. No. No. *temper tantrum* No. No. No.

I swear they must know that I have a big test tomorrow, and this is a big hassle.

And because I cannot let anything go, and just handle it tomorrow, me and Kaywa drove over to the Comcast office.

I'm going to be upset if they starting remembering my face and name because I have been there so often.

So apparently they didn't apply the money that we gave them last month to this months bill.  Really?  And what we got in the mail was a bill for installation!  INSTALLATION!?!?  REALLY?  We've had t.v. and internet since August 13th.  We already paid the install fees.

Comcast lady said, for some reason I still don't understand, we were not going to get a November bill, but we would get a bill right before Christmas for more than $200, to catch up for November and December.

Well, to off set the December bill we paid what should be November's bill today.  $53 dollars each.

I hope this works out.  Apparently we won't have a "normal" bill until January.  Goodness and mercy.

"Have mercy on me, O LORD; consider my trouble which I suffer of them that hate me, thou that liftest me up from the gates of death." Psalm 9:13


  1. Comcast will reap what they sow, as a corporation -- they maltreat people all the time.
