Thursday, November 25, 2010


Since it is Thanksgiving, I figure I should post something about thankfulness.

1) Jesus.  Without Him I can do nothing.

2) Family.  Without them I would be lonely.

3) Friends.  Without them I would also be lonely.

4) Student loans.  I mentioned this at dinner tonight and everyone hemmed and hawed at it.  But really, without the loan, I would not be able to go to my fancy private school, and live in my nice apartment, and eat, and have internet and tv.

5) My mother working solely to pay off my student loans.  I don't know if she realizes how much I appreciate that.  I'll build her a house on my 100 acres when I get rich.

6) My roommate Kaywa.  Even though we do and see things differently all the time, I really like living with her.

7) That school ends in 2 weeks!!!  I'm tired of exams and papers.

8) My car.  See last post for the explanation.

9) My friends who have babies.  I get jealous sometimes, I admit it, but thanks for letting me hold them sometimes.

10) The cold weather.  It is conducive to studying, and it reminds me that even if I mess up, there will always be a spring time.  Cheesy I know, but I like cheese, and I need to be reminded that this isn't the end of the world.

There is probably more, but that is all I can think of now.

"Give thanks unto the LORD, call upon his name, make known his deeds among the people." 1 Chronicles 16:8

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