Saturday, November 20, 2010

I'm in love with

My car.

She sooooo pretty and cute and the nicest car I've ever had.

Sometimes she needs some TLC though.

When I went home a couple of weeks ago, she made a funny noise that scared Mother.

I ended up leaving her there and taking my Mother's car to school.  The noise apparently was nothing, but she got some new sway bars and an oil change.

Now having driven my Mother's car around for almost 3 weeks now, I can say that I really love my car.

In my car, I can get the air conditioning to blow at exactly the right place on me and at the right temperature.  My Mother's car is too hot or too cold.

My Mother's car makes the driver look like a mom, which is fine for my Mother, but not for me.

The interior of my car is gray, Mother's is tan.  I blew up a yogurt in my car a couple of weeks ago, and you can't even tell (which is funny because yogurt is white and the car interior is gray, but whatevs).

One thing though, Mother's car is a V6, my is a V4.  People don't even say V4.  Nobody goes around bragging about their new car that has a V4 engine.  I like to drive fast.

Nonetheless, I like my car better.

Did I ever tell you the story behind getting my car?


Well thank you for asking.

It is a wet and dreary Tuesday night.  We were going to Connecticut to visit family for Thanksgiving.  All four of us were piled into the Mini Van along with allllllllll the stuff we needed to spend 4 days there (Which is a lot of stuff).

There was a bad accident on the highway and we out off the inner loop to get on the outer loop (or vise versa, I don't know my geography of D.C./Maryland/Virginia very well).

Anyway, on the road the car just stopped.  We had enough momentum to get to the side of the road, thank God.  And I called AAA.  They came and took us to the Honda dealer.  It was just about 9pm and they were just about to close, but they stayed open for us.

The special of the week was, drum roll please, my car.

We bought it.  No loan either.  My mother had been saving all her money from working.  And she bought me a car.  How sweet.

Well, I don't know how funny it is, but I'm going home on Tuesday for Thanksgiving and going to trade back cars with my Mother.  Do you see it?  I got my car on the Tuesday before Thanksgiving, and I'm going to get my car back on the Tuesday before Thanksgiving, weird.

"He shall receive the blessing from the LORD, and righteousness from the God of his salvation." Psalm 24:5


  1. Whoa, this means something!! Glad you are coming home, even if is just to eat and take your car back!!

    Nice job on the story of the new car.

  2. I like your car, but I'd like mine back too =) -- I am so looking forward to seeing you this holiday weekend!! Woo Hoo! Katie's coming home!!!

    Yes, the Lord was in that trip last Thanksgiving, and I give Him thanks for that.
