Sunday, May 15, 2011

A Reminder To Future Me

I hope that when I'm an old experienced nurse I will still think that all the things I call home to tell my Mother about will still be exciting to me.

I've called home to tell my Mother about giving my first IM injection, RhoGAM.  I get excited at the possibility of giving an injection.  Insulin pen or syringe, heparin, or Lovenox, anything, I like to do it.  And I make sure everyone knows that I got to stick someone with a needle at post conference.  I gave a baby a shot of Vitamin K one time.  He didn't even cry until it was over.

I was beaming after putting a Foley catheter in.  The patient told me I did a good job, "gentle" he said, not like the other nurses.  That's a little weird, but thank you.  I was going really slow to make sure I did everything right.  I just hope that when I'm confident in my procedure that I won't get rushed and forget to be gentle.

That's all the cool stuff that I did that I can think of right now.

Just hoping that the excitement doesn't wear off.

"Where there is no vision, the people perish: but he that keepeth the law, happy is he." Proverbs 29:18