Sunday, April 3, 2011

The Art Of The Hand Shake

Today at church after the music, the pastor says to say hi to someone and shake their hand, like always.

The guy sitting next to me looked single and cute, so I was kind of excited about this.

Then he shook my hand.


Ugh, gag me.

Doesn't he know he won't get a job or a wife shaking hands like that?

We went over how to shake hands in my Red Cross Babysitting class when I was like 11 or 12, so certainly this guy should know from somewhere that he needs to have a firm hand shake.

Side note: KWoww told me a funny story about the girl's hand she shook at church today too .

Maybe I should give him the benefit of the doubt and say he was shaking a female's hand and for some reason there is an idea that men shouldn't shake women's hands as firm as they do other men's.

Males, whoever told you to shake women's hands gently was silly and should be ignored.  You should shake everyone's hands the same.  I don't change how respectfully I speak to someone because they are male or female, why should you change how you respectfully shake someone's hand?  I actually think you giving me a weak hand shake because I am female is degrading.

But maybe I'm missing something and can't see the whole picture.  Please tell me if I am.

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"Then Peter opened his mouth, and said, Of a truth I perceive that God is no respecter of persons." Acts 10:34

1 comment:

  1. A note to females: just because you are shaking another female's hand, doesn't mean that it has to be all dainty because you are both women. Firm handshakes are the sign of confidence and wimpy handshakes just don't make me want to talk to you. I don't want a female friend who thinks that women have different (and often lesser) roles than men. So, practicing your handshaking skills is very essential to success.
