Tuesday, April 12, 2011

The Literature Review

I think my distress on getting bad (less than what I want) grades is not the fact that I got a bad grade.  But that this is my dream, my whole life right now and I don't want a C in life.  Heck, I don't want a B in life.

I've cared about school before, but not like this.  This feels like everything.  Like nothing else matters.  That as long as I can make it though this class, this program, then everything will be okay.

After getting that paper back yesterday, I felt like everything was over.

Okay, not exactly.  But I was really upset.  I feel like I put soooooo much work into this paper and I get a C.

Really?  Paper.  Really?  I worked on you during spring break, and this is how you reward me?

The other annoyance about this paper is that I have to use this paper for my group project.  I have to use this C paper and put it in the group project.  So now I have to fix it up, instead of just whine and forget about it.

Annoying.  Boring.  Exasperating.

At least she pushed back the due date for the group project.

"Be warned, my son, of anything in addition to them. Of making many books there is no end, and much study wearies the body." Ecclesiates 12:12, NIV


  1. Who says that life can be graded? It can't. Life is what you make it! Don't let some froofy teacher tell you how well you are doing at life!

  2. Good comment, Kayla.

    Seems, though, like the teacher could have given the students more time to repair their papers since they were going into a group (larger) project. :-/
