Saturday, April 2, 2011

What I Learned/Thought About This Week

  1. Be married when you have babies, it makes life easier.
  2. Why does it seem all the cute ones are married?
  3. People see me as an adult, even if I don't.
  4. Don't say everything that comes to your head.
  5. Appearances do matter.
  6. Just because they don't know how to write an email doesn't mean they are stupid and I don't need to point it out.
  7. Go with the flow.
  8. Gray hair is a good thing, I should stop pulling them out. 
  9. It doesn't matter where the dishes go in the dishwasher.
  10. Blue eyeliner and shadow looks awesome with my blue school uniform.
  11. Smoking is the number one cause of bladder cancer, because nicotine gets flushed out of your body through the kidneys and then into the bladder, and every time you pee you don't 100% empty your bladder, you have about 10 ml (or 2 teaspoons) left of urine in your bladder and the carcinogens in that 10 ml attack the cells in your bladder and cause cancer.
  12. I actually know stuff.
  13. The house is cozier after it is vacuumed.
  14. If you give an inch, they will take a mile.
  15. Party City in Winchester is da bomb.
  16. Don't leave ice/water in the cooler and forget about it.
  17. Gas is super expensive, and I just dropped $50 at Exxon without even getting a bag of chips.
  18. Facebook and Blogspot are distracting.
  19. It's hard to get everyone to agree, but it is okay to agree to ignore each other.
  20. I miss my family, and cannot wait for Easter.
  21. I cannot count the ways God has made my life so blessed, all I know is that he came and made beauty of my mess
"Gray hair is a crown of glory; it is gained by living a godly life." Proverbs 16:31 NLT


  1. Things I have to say about this post:

    1. The grey hairs that you are pulling out may come back with a vengeance. Be careful.
    2. Don't you think that blue eyeliner and blue eyeshadow may be a bit of an overkill with your blue uniform? Just asking...
    3. You only know WHY smoking is the number one cause of bladder cancer because your awesome roommate is in pharmacy school and she feels the deepest urge to share with you her knowledge.
    4. I think the kitchen would be cozier if it was swept.
    5. I want to go back to Party City and find stuff for the rave that we are going to have. :)

    Ok. That is all.

  2. Your family misses you and can't wait until Easter!
