Monday, January 17, 2011

Teetering On OCD

I Lysol-ed the bottom of my shoes when I got home from clinical.  That's not even the crazy part.  The crazy part is this morning before I left for clinical, I got the Lysol out of the closet and put it next to the front door, because I knew I would be coming home from the hospital, and knew I would want to Lysol the soles of my shoes.

I blame Kat.  She told me she did this.  I didn't even think about it before she told me this.

But really.  If you really think about it, it makes sense.

So you walk around the dirty hospital all day, then you walk around your house on the carpet and on the rugs.  The throw rugs in the bathrooms especially scare me.  I'm usually barefoot in the bathroom.

Not that I'm going crazy or OCD about all shoes, just my hospital shoes.

I really shouldn't be that crazy because this semester on Mondays I'm going to the oncology unit, and you can't catch cancer.

"And your feet shod with the preparation of the gospel of peace." Ephesians 6:15

1 comment:

  1. I KNOW I posted a comment yesterday; it's nowhere to be found on this post today! Nosocomial (did I spell that right?) disease ... Lysol is a good idea, not OCD.
