Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Comcast is of the devil.

College students must have internet.  Wireless internet. Fast internet.

This college experience we have now cannot be fully grasped without internet.  From checking email, to checking Facebook, to submitting discussion board questions/answers, to blogging, to papers, to checking Facebook again, I must have the internet.  

Here comes Comcast into the picture.  They basically have the market cornered.  They lured us in with a "two-fer" deal.  Internet and t.v.  (Tried to convince my roommate, whom I like to call Kaywa, that we didn't need t.v.  But when I heard that we would get Dr. Quinn, Medicine Woman, I relented.)  We said yes, and they were going to come set it up in the middle of August.  Mother and I drove out to Northwestern VA (not sure I want to tell the internet where I live) to meet the cable guy.  It was a Friday, cable guy never showed.  Really, cable guy, really?  I shouldn't be surprised, but I was.  The only amusing part was my Mother yelling at the people on the phone.

Whatever, whatever, confusion, confusion.  The cable guy came while I was moving in (note, while I was moving in) later in August.  He set up the t.v. and internet in the living room, and then set up the t.v. in Kaywa's room, then left the cable box sitting on the floor in my room because I had not yet moved anything into my room, especially the t.v.  The gentleman said it would cost $5 extra a month for each box in the bedrooms; I agreed (although the only time I watch t.v. in my room is on Friday mornings when I don't have class, and I watch the 700 Club and then get out of bed).

Fast forward 6 or so weeks.  We have not received a bill yet.  I call them.  They have the wrong address!  They tell me they can change my billing address but not my service address.  Not acceptable.  That is just confusing and annoying.  I live here, the cable box is here, and I want my bill here.

Whatever, whatever, drama, drama.  We get our first bill after I leave to go home for Fall break this passed weekend.  Kaywa gets it and calls me; $400.64. Really?

Today, I pick up the mail and in it there is a bill that the Post office forwarded to us and a nice little letter saying that Comcast understands that their customers are busy, but that we must pay our bill by the 22nd of Oct or they will be shutting off our service.  Really?

After and annoying phone call with some lady that told me, "Do you want me to have someone call you tomorrow to tell you what I'm telling you right now?", we got in the car and drove to Comcast.

They close at 5pm and we got there at 5pm (I thought I read they close at 5:30pm, but that is only on Fridays), but they were nice enough to help us anyway, so I must give them some props for that.

Blah, blah, blah.  I paid my half of the bill (with the check my Mother gave me), and Kaywa's mommy is sending us the rest.

I'm not sure if this story makes sense, but the bottom line is, Comcast doesn't know where I live, but I know where they are.  Kind of funny.  Oh, and I think they have bullet proof glass in front of the windows at the Comcast office.  I wonder why?

I should be praying for favor.

"And Jesus increased in wisdom and stature, and in favour with God and man." Luke 2:52

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