Wednesday, October 20, 2010

I need a drink

Of water.

I think I might be dehydrated.  Maybe I should drink all day long instead of stocking up in the morning and at night.

The doctor at the out-patient clinic today had several painting in the office.  They were really nice and we asked about them.  He said he painted most of them from pictures and from travel guide brochures.  I was jealous, because I've been to cool places and can't get the picture in my head on paper, and he just looks a pictures and puts them on canvas.

I am thinking of taking painting lessons - eventually.  Maybe over the summer?

I'm thinking about getting my doctorate in nursing.  Wouldn't that be awesome?  Dr. Hart?

The other day in my Skills class, we were learning about chest tubes (used when people have a pneumothorax, or a collapsed lung).  The teacher asked for a volunteer to be the doctor.  She volunteered me. =)  I put a chest tube into the dummy and the teacher proceeded to call me Dr. Hart the rest of the class. It made me happy and a little puffed up, but I need words of affirmation.

So sometimes I dream stuff that already happened, and my dreams make the story better, then I can't remember later what actually happened.  This is what I remember:

Teacher: Dr. Hart, here's the tube, the suction is ready.
Me: Thank you, nurse.
Class: *Hysterical laughter*

I was amused.

I need a drink.

"Jesus answered and said unto her, If thou knewest the gift of God, and who it is that saith to thee, Give me to drink; thou wouldest have asked of him, and he would have given thee living water." John 4:10

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