Monday, October 18, 2010


I made lasagna over the weekend, and it was fantastic, if I do say so myself.

I had my friend "Kathryn" over.  She's Italian, and she liked my lasagna.

I was proud.

Today, after the midterm, a girl also in my class, who shall remain nameless for the time being, told "Kathryn" she would make lasagna for her, and then "Kathryn" could tell her if her's was better than mine or not.

The events after this statement are hazy.  But this is how I remember it went down:

Me: No, don't do it! You don't want to start a fight now do you.

Nameless girl: Eh.

"Kathryn": ummmmm.

All I was thinking was I wanted to rip nameless girl's face off, so she could be nameless and faceless!!!

"...Don't exasperate your children...." Ephesians 6:4 NIV


  1. Ok just to be clear....this blog was supposedly made for humor AND things didn't really happen the way they are depicted....Nameless girl did not volunteer to make lasagna she was asked to because she made it previously for other ppl and invited "Kathryn" to come but she didn't.."Kathryn" asked her when she was gonna make it again.......... She replied "I'll let you know when I do"

    No one said to compare the two and no one asked "You dont want to start a fight do you" that was added for "sarcastic humor purposes"

    Just thought I would add that since this story is BASED on a real conversation....but much like those movies BASED on real life it has been changed to make it more dramatic, funny, serious..whatever...than it really was
